Armandox Psybase is about to strike the Bounce Bar! The Bounce Bar is a cozy and fun venue in Second Life, run by this crazy Swede called Apollon. Recently Bounce Bar has moved to a new location with a new format. You can expect a variety of live musicians and […]

Armandox – 2021 New Year Psytrance Mix
My friends at Danny’s Hardcore Café asked me if I would be willing to do a psytrance mix for a new weekly feature Danny is doing on his youtube-channel, called Danny’s Club Café. With pleasure I did this 2021 New Year Psytrance Mix: Tracklist: QUANTUM & E-MOV FT. KEREN […]
Lawinengefahr – Alles Drauf! official release
A dance track written for the winter holidays and apres-ski huts. Together with my musical friend Martijn Roselaar I recorded Alles Drauf! under the monicker Lawinengefahr. We recorded lots of samples (which are mixed in with the track) while skiing down the slopes at Speikboden, and we would like to […]
N1kita – Get Your Life Back
Nienke, or N1kita, wrote this song a couple of years ago. I heard it and had a ‘click’ with it, so I decided to re-record it and completely reproduce it The bpm’s went up and from stale rockballad it went to more catchy dancetrack. Some remixes by various artists are […]
Armandox – Transmix 2000
Back in the days I also DJ-ed at clubs with Technics SL1200 MkII’s… Lateron ofcoarse with the CDJ’s from Pioneer. This one was recorded all the way back in the year 2000…
Koto – Dragon’s Legend (Armandox 30th Anniversary Remix) officially released
My 30th anniversary remix of Dragon’s Legend has been officialy released on the ASE Music label It is available on all major music platforms and stores:
Event Horizon – Exodus Part 1 & 2
A little side-project I’ve been working on together with Rick v.d. Eerden called Event Horizon. Exodus parts 1 and 2. Mellow new age synthe-landscapes. Instruments used: Doepfer Dark Energy Moog Little Phatty Arturia Microbrute Waldorf Streichfett Roland D50 Access Virus Korg Kaos Pad Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 ReFX Nexus Memorymoon ME80 […]